

NeoBux - The best BUX in the world!!! Over 3 years ONLINE!!!

-Click: $0.001-$0.015 -Ref click: $0.0005-$0.01 -Ads daily: 4 +/-
-Earn up to: -Click: $0.02 -Ref click: $0.01 -Ads daily: 15 for upgrade member
-Direct referrals limit: 30+1 every 4 days -Up to: 800+1 every day -Payout: 2$ AP/PP/N Instant
LinkGrand - The best PTC and trusted admin Over 4 years ONLINE!!!
-Click: $0.003-$0.015 -Ref click: $0.0009 -Ads daily: 6 +/-
-You will receive 30% of the earnings your referrals make on clicking links.
  This works out to $0.0009 for your referrals that is a standard.
  If they are upgraded you will earn $0.0018 for each click they make
-Direct referrals unlimit: 30% & 10% purchases -Payout: 5$ PP 24 hrs

Incentria - One of two Best PTC Aurora's ever!!! Over 2 years ONLINE!!!
-Click: $0.001 - $0.005 -Ref click: 10% -Ads daily: 10-20
-Earn up to: -Click: $0.005 -Ref click: 100% -Ads daily: 70-90
-Direct referrals limit: Unlimited -Payout: 1$ AP/PP 7 business days

Clicksia - One of two Best PTC Aurora's ever!!! Over 3 years ONLINE!!!
-Click: $0.001 - $0.005 -Ref click: 10% -Ads daily: 10-20
-Earn up to: -Click: $0.005 -Ref click: 100% -Ads daily: 70-90
-Direct referrals limit: Unlimited -Payout: 1$ AP/PP 7 business days

ClixSense - Elite PTC since 2007!!!

-Click: $0.01 -Ref click: $0.002 -Ads daily: 8
-Earn up to: -Click: $0.02 -Ref click: $0.008 -Ads daily: 30
-Direct referrals limit: Unlimited -Up to: Unlimited - 8 Levels Deep-Payout: 10$ Check/AP/PP  
  Weekly on Mondays
-Earning from receiving active referral for 'Premium' members: $0.20
-Earning from referral upgrade: $2 -Up to: $2 + $1 from 7 more Levels
-Earning from referral purchasing ads: 10% 

Bux-Matrix - Elite BUX pays since 2008!!!

-Click: $0.004 -Ref click: $0.002 -Ads daily: 4
-Earn up to: -Click: $0.01 -Ref click: $0.005 -Ads daily: 10
-Direct referrals limit: Unlimited -Up to: Unlimited - 12 Levels Deep
-Payout: 2$ AP 7 business days
-Earning from reading mails: $0.004 per mail Up to: $0.01 per mail
-Earning from receiving new referral: Up to: $0.05
-Earning from referral upgrade: $0.50 -Up to: $2 + $0.50 from 12 Levels 

Oh iya, bagi yang belum memiliki Akun Paypal/Alertpay silahkan daftar Paypal / Alertpay berguna untuk melakukan transaksi dalam dolar.

Apabila ingin mengetahui PTC / PTR mana yang benar-benar membayar atau tidak anda dapat melihat info terbaru dan terlengkap melalui situs ini :


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